Client: The Tech Interactive Museum

Location: San Jose, CA, United States

Completion date: 2019

Artwork budget: $50

Project Team


Yves Peitzner & Jelena Gregov

Studio TISH

Project Management

Clark Csuprynowicz


Sound Development

Felipe Sanchez


Visual Development

Mio Loclair

Waltz Binaire

Financial Support

The Knight Foundation

The Knight Foundation


Interactive Multimedia Installation for The Tech Interactive Museum Resonance is an interactive audio-visual experience that encourages people to engage in a dialogue with water, whilst creating an intimate atmosphere of contemplation. The installation comes fully to life when people interact with it. We used sound and color to immerse the museum visitors and invite them to explore the role that technology and human intervention might play in harmonizing our environment.


We were invited by the Tech Interactive Museum in San Jose to create a permanent interactive installation working together with tech companies from the Silicon Valley. We chose to work together with Plantronics who provided the sound hardware and also Leapmotion who provided the sensors for human interaction. The theme of the exhibition revolved around water and we chose to create an artistic installation which should sensitize the audience to the natrual element of water.


The visual layers of the installation consist of fragment shaders and are rendered in real-time, without post-production. People can interact with the water surface by moving their hand over a sensor. The multi-layered sound composition is generated from the image-analysis software. The analysis is also done in real-time, which means that the music is composed during a live interaction.