Resonant Nature - CODAworx

Resonant Nature

Client: KWBS = Kingsland Wildfowers and Brooklyn Stages

Location: Brooklyn, NY, United States

Completion date: 2024

Project Team


Seema Lisa Pandya


Broadway Stages, Kingsland Wildflowers, NoOsphere Arts

Broadway Stages, Kingsland Wildflowers, NoOsphere Arts

Material and Fabrication

Eco Supply

Eco Supply

Metal Frame Fabrication



Resonant Nature celebrates an environment’s vibratory properties.
Albert Einstein stated, “Everything in life is vibration” from the sun’s radiation, to atoms, and matter itself. Resonant Nature is an installation made of vertical sculptural pieces resembling vibration patterns emanating and echoing from nature. The sculpture includes four sets of progressively growing biological forms resembling an echo shape framing nature representing the idea of nature emitting vibrational life. Moving beyond art being just an object in space, ‘Resonant Nature’ integrates into the rooftop micro-ecosystem by incorporating an insect pollinator habitat juxtapositioned in the center of the composition as the vulva of the piece with arranged cut hollow bamboo for solitary bees and other beneficial garden insects to shelter in the winter beyond the life of this project. The size and spacing is designed using the Golden Ratio mathematical proportion found everywhere in nature. Sustainability is also taken into consideration with the use of ‘Richlite’ as the main sculptural material, which is a strong paper stone made from 100% post-consumer recycled paper fiber and phenolic resin made to withstand the elements.
7’-0″ x 11’-0” x 8’-8”


This site-specific installation was created the Kingsland Wildflowers/ Broadway Stages/ NoOsphere Arts green rooftops. Their program aims to showcase non-intrusive, sustainable artwork that highlights their one-of-a-kind surroundings and encourages reflection on the environment and the mission and vision of the WE ARE NATURE series of the client.


The project was first on display at Kingsland Wildflowers/ Broadway Stages/ NoOsphere Arts complex in Brooklyn, NY. with additional support from the Foundation for Contemporary Art. Seema Lisa Pandya worked closely with the client to minimize any harm to the native wildflowers cultivated on the roof top.

Additional Information

The piece is designed not only to spark the idea that nature vibrates life, but also it frames the site-specific adjacencies. In the background of the piece is the iconic city biodigester eggs where a majority of the city's collected organic waste is turned into compost for the city parks and residents creating and large scale sustainable nutrient cycle. Sims recycling plant is also next door to the site visible from the green rooftop as well as the breathtaking view of the city. The piece in this context emulates the sculpture’s framing of nature as a vibration force echoing patterns of sustainability even in the fast paced harshness of the man-made word.