Rise Outdoor - CODAworx

Rise Outdoor

Client: Arts Warehouse & CRA Delray Beach

Location: Delray Beach, FL, United States

Completion date: 2020

Project Team


Cheryl Maeder

Cheryl Maeder Photography, Inc.


Grace Gdaniec, Curator

Arts Warehouse

Executive Director

Renee Jadusingh, Executive Director

Community Redevelopment Agency


Rise Outdoor is a Public Art Exhibition showcasing artists whose work draws attention to the persistent changes in nature, and humanity’s inevitable connection to it. Both symbolically and literally, and through varying mediums, the included artists are reflecting on the effects of climate change and its tangible results such as rising tides, polluted waterways, coastal flooding and displace local communities. The exhibition was installed outdoors throughout the Delray Beach downtown area. As part of the Rise Climate & Art exhibition, I also participated in a virtual Artist Conversation at Arts Warehouse with Lisa Reindorf, Architect & Artist, on how our work centers on environmental awareness and the major role that Art plays in the dialogue.


This unique Public Art Exhibition will exist outdoors throughout the Delray Beach downtown area. The goal was to ultimately speak on climate change and its personal and worldwide effects through the visual art. Art is a gateway for reaching new audiences when discussing environmental issues like Climate Change. The goal is also to bring art outdoors during Covid 19 restrictions, to activate new areas in the Delray Beach downtown/Delray Beach CRA District.


Grace Gdaniec and I worked closely to choose the fine art photographs for the exhibition. As my Submerge Photographic Series was exhibited for the Tidal Exhibition on Climate Change at Arts Warehouse previously, Grace chose two large scale photographs from this series.

Additional Information

Submerge Photographic Series explores the relationship we human beings have with the environment, both in the personal and the universal context. We are not separate from the Earth. The human body contains 70% of water fluids and the ocean waters cover more than 70% of the Earth itself. Water represents our connectedness to the Earth and to each other.