Ron Regis Park 2021 - CODAworx

Ron Regis Park 2021

Submitted by Christy Caravaglio

Client: Renton Municipal Arts Commission

Location: Renton, WA, United States

Completion date: 2021

Artwork budget: $4,500

Project Team

Renton Municipal Arts Commission

Renton Municipal Arts Commission


A vividly colorful, geometric pattern created with yarn woven directly into an existing chain link fence. The shapes were inspired by traditional and modern quilt motifs. The location is at a much used public park along a popular trail and a busy road. It decorates an otherwise plain parking lot.
Acrylic yarn on chain link fence. 6′ x 140′.


The goal of this project was to provide joyful color and pattern to people where they already are. There is not a lot of public art in this area and the presence of art helps create a sense of belonging to community and place.


Installed by hand, on-site by weaving yarn into existing chain link fence.