Spiral - CODAworx


Submitted by Welker Studio

Client: Boston Childrens Hospital

Location: Brookline, MA, United States

Completion date: 2021

Artwork budget: $50,000

Project Team


Terry Welker

Welker Studio

Art Consultant

Betty Bothereau

L’Attitude Gallery


Spiral is the floating centerpiece over the reception area for a new addition to Boston Childrens Hospital located inn Brookline Massachusetts. 900 8” multi-colored hand formed ovals in a seemingly random pattern that collectively form a graduating spiral. The final pieces move very slightly with natural air currents of the room.


The aesthetic goal was to make a playful set of shapes to fit neatly within a plaster half dome ceiling. Special care was taken to make something beautiful but not be a problem for autistic children. Part of the inspiration for this comes from the famous Bertoia sculpture located in the nearby M.I.T. Chapel designed by E. Saarienen.


Working with the art consultant and the architects during the building design and construction, we created design drawings in plan, section and elevation as well as a series of sketch models and custom color samples to determine the final design. Using a full scale plan template on the floor we used lasers to pinpoint the exact locations for 10 tiny cables to penetrate the half dome and connect to the building super structure above the dome. A series of hidden LED lights gently wash the half dome with light colors.